Saturday, June 2, 2012

A lovely evening for a walk...

Today was an absolutely gorgeous day!  The kind of day that we spend all winter in Minnesota waiting for - sun shining, slight breeze, white puffy clouds floating through the air.  Perfect.  I spent the afternoon at my parent's house sitting on the deck enjoying the beautiful weather.  When I arrived back home this evening I decided to take a walk along the parkway that is right behind my house.  I can overlook the fact that I hardly have a backyard at all (only a 4 foot by 6 foot patch of plants on either side of my driveway) because I have such close access to one of the best features of the Twin Cities, the Grand Rounds Scenic Byway.  This combined bike and walking path winds its way 50 miles around Minneapolis.  I am so fortunate that just a few steps from my driveway I can enjoy a lovely tree lined walk whenever I'd like!  I hope to spend time this summer exploring more of this pathway.

1 comment:

  1. Jerry from blogging class! What a cool looking blog you did! Was it professionally designed or did you do it yourself? Well, I love to walk when it's not to hot out there! Keep up the good work on your blog! Feel free to check out mine:
